Page 2 - Expert Tips for Parents
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
June 13, 2024
Congratulations! Your little darling is half a year old! It's amazing how time flies... In today's instalment of our blog series ‘Baby’s developmental milestones with Ergobaby: baby’s first year’, we want to take a look at what your little one has probably achieved by the end of their sixth month of life together with our midwife and baby expert Katrin Ritter. We say ‘probably’ because each of our babies naturally develops at their own pace. You shouldn't worry if it takes a little longer for your little one to reach their 6-month-old baby milestones. However, if you notice that your baby's development is lagging far behind at 6 months, please speak to your health visitor or GP.
6-month-old baby milestones - The development
The big milestone at the end of the sixth month of life is the mature symmetrical hand support. From now on, your baby will be able to balance themself stably on the floor. In addition, their brain is gaining mass as the cerebral hemispheres become more and more
Expert Tips for Parents
June 11, 2024
We caught up with our baby sleep specialist Gemma Coe to find out everything you need to know about the dreaded sleep regressions...
Understandably the term ‘sleep regression’ may make you a little cautious! Baby sleep is rarely linear and there will be peaks and troughs throughout their life, especially in the first year. However, there are certain time windows where we can predict changes in patterns to how your little one sleeps. These are often called a sleep regression. However, they don’t happen on exactly the anniversary of a certain date, so please don’t worry about approaching the four- or eight-month mark!
Understanding the 4 month sleep regression
It typically hits between three to five-months, and for premature babies, it syncs with their adjusted age. Whether your baby's sleep was previously amazing, or a little bit rocky, this regression can certainly mess with days and nights.
What are signs of 4 month sleep regression?
Your baby might:
wake more often at night without
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
May 20, 2024
Your baby is in their fifth month of life and step by step their development is progressing. The two halves of their brain are becoming more and more connected, so that by the end of the fifth month they will probably be able to grasp in a targeted manner. And beyond the centre of their body. This is HUGE deal, because this skill requires lots of coordination and is a big step on your baby's developmental journey. It's the prerequisite for your little miracle to turn later on.
And that brings us right back to the fifth part of our blog series "Baby’s developmental milestones". In it, our lovely midwife and baby expert Katrin Ritter tells you what your baby will surprise you with month after month, how you can support them in individual movement sequences, and how you can promote their development. At the end of this journey, walking awaits! How exciting! But until then, there is still a lot going on in the body and brain of the little tots. Now, after five months, it's time to reach across
Pregnancy & Birth
Expert Tips for Parents
May 14, 2024
Yay and congratulations, you're pregnant! We hope you're doing well and enjoying this exciting new stage of your life without worrying too much about what you should or shouldn’t be doing. There are so many myths about being pregnant but don't let them stress you out. There are a few rules to follow simply to protect yourself and the little miracle in your tummy. For example, the topic ‘What not to eat and drink during pregnancy’, is a topic we’ve discussed on the blog before. Today, together with our expert Katrin, we want to take a closer look at a few more persistent rumours, like, can you dye your hair when pregnant? ect..Which ones are true and which ones can we bust?
Can you dye your hair when pregnant?
For most of you, one thing is certain: don't dye your hair using traditional hair dyes during pregnancy. Especially in the first three months of pregnancy. This is because your child's arms and legs are developing during this time and the nerve cells in the brain are connecting.
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
May 10, 2024
When I became a mother for the second time, one of the things I was most excited about was that I could start tandem carrying my daughter with her two-year-old brother! The options and choices for carrying both of them together were vast and I was so excited to try them all. You can use pretty much any type of sling or carrier for tandem babywearing. I quickly became adept at using one woven wrap to carry them both! However, when my toddler son wanted to get up and down a lot and my newborn daughter was sleeping - this swiftly became impractical outside of nap time.
Stretchy wraps and buckled carriers soon became my “go-to” carriers. They offered flexibility, variety and I could get both of my children in and out independently of each other. As they grew, this evolved into using two buckled carriers for speed.
As a Slingababy trained Carrying Consultant, I have also worked extensively with parents of twins and multiples to help them carry their babies singularly and together from birth.
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
April 29, 2024
In everyday life and when travelling with your baby, you will often find yourself in situations and places that are quite turbulent and full of stimuli for a little brain. In the supermarket, on public transport or perhaps even on a plane. Moments like these can be quite challenging and overwhelming for your baby. That’s where a baby carrier comes in! They simultaneously make life easier for you and keep your little one happy as they can be held close and safe in a cosy and ergonomic baby carrier. And which do we think is the best baby carrier for travel? Read on to find out...
Wherever you want to go: a baby carrier makes travelling easier
An Ergobaby baby carrier is your ideal companion when you are travelling. It simply couldn't be more comfortable and practical. If you're travelling somewhere that tends to be cramped and crowded, you're perfectly equipped with your baby in a baby carrier. Your baby feels safe with you and can withdraw while you weave your way through the crowd. This
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
April 24, 2024
Welcome back to your baby's delicate development journey. We've reached month four and it’s time for “4-month-old baby milestones”, the fourth part of our blog series "Baby’s Developmental Milestones With Ergobaby: Baby’s First Year. So today, together with our expert and midwife Katrin, we want to look at what your baby can already do at the end of their fourth month of life.
Your baby's urge to move and explore increases during this time and is also the driving force behind their development. They want to grasp, feel, and explore. Not only is everything felt with the fingers, but it also goes straight in their mouth. Smell, taste, shape, and texture - we can still process things like this as adults. That's why you should never forbid your child to put harmless objects in their mouth.
Baby development - 4-month-old baby milestones:
Symmetrical elbow support in prone position
That was the milestone last month, you may be thinking. And yes, it was. But by the end of the fourth month,
Pregnancy & Birth
Expert Tips for Parents
April 18, 2024
Congratulations, you're pregnant! At least that's what we're assuming since you're interested in how to correctly calculate a due date. Or, as they’re more officially known – an estimated date of delivery (EDD). As it is relatively unlikely that the estimated due date will actually be the date of birth, because most babies are born a few days or weeks earlier or later. There are various reasons - apart from pure curiosity - why it is important to know your baby’s due date. Our midwife Katrin Ritter will explain why this is the case and share a due date calculator for whether you’ve conceived naturally or via artificial means and whether you’re having one baby or multiple!
Calculating the due date
Only a few children (around 4-5 per cent) are born on their due date. It is therefore only a guide for you and your midwife / gynaecological practice. To calculate this, you need the exact time of conception. Do you know this? Then the pregnancy lasts an average of 266 days, 38 weeks or 9.5 lunar
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
April 17, 2024
You’ve mastered the walk (or waddle, we’ve been there!) around the block, you’ve done your first grocery shop since baby arrived and now it’s your first day out with baby!
The first time you have a day out with baby is very different from the spontaneous trips you took before you became a parent. Whereas before you simply grabbed your bag and set off, a day out with baby take a little more planning. But no matter where you’re going and what you’re doing we’ve got you covered with the ultimate checklist of things to take with you. Nappy explosion in a café... no problem! Baby starts clamouring for a bottle or boob just as you step in a changing room... you’ve got a plan! We’re going to share all our secrets for success!
No matter the trip you’ll always need a well-stocked changing bag:
Nappy changing basics: First things first a changing bag needs changing supplies. Nappies, wipes (wet or cloth), nappy sacks, a nappy cream if you use one and a changing mat.
A change of clothes: Having
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
April 11, 2024
Cuddling, feeding, changing nappies, and looking at your baby in love. This is what the first few weeks with your little miracle will hopefully look like. But at some point, everyday life catches up with you again. And that includes grocery shopping. It might seem unbelievable that a trip to the supermarket will feel like a whole day out once baby arrives but trust us, it will! However, shopping with a baby is different to what you used to know. It requires more planning and includes less browsing! But we’ve got you covered with our eight top tips for stress-free shopping with baby.
Shopping with a baby - how to make it work:
1. If you can, take support with you
As with most things baby-related, an extra pair of hands can be invaluable. Particularly while you find your feet. Having one person to push the trolley with baby and one person to grab items and pop them in the trolley can make the process much quicker and smoother.
2. Clever parking
If your local supermarket has parent/child spaces