Page 4 - Expert Tips for Parents
Expert Tips for Parents
January 22, 2024
From traditional lullabies to high-tech white noise machines, using songs and music to help babies sleep is an age-old tradition for a reason. Our UK sleep specialist Gemma Coe is a mum of two and a certified baby and child sleep consultant. She helps families all over the world develop healthy sleep habits. Today she’s sharing with us her thoughts on whether white noise or lullabies or both are the key to a great night’s sleep.
What is it about a song or lullaby that helps little ones fall asleep?
Have you ever found yourself singing that lullaby to your baby with a sense of peace and calm? Sensing the slow, repetitive nature of the song and how it can tie naturally in with gentle rocking and movement? Song, the sense of presence, and the gentle rocking or patting motion or other repetitive movements, can certainly help calm fussy babies and help manage a (sometimes fraught) transition between day and night.
Adding some 'music therapy' into your bedtime routine is a win! Check out the
Expert Tips for Parents
January 11, 2024
Becoming a parent is a profound journey filled with moments of love, joy, and a steep learning curve. Among the many beautiful aspects of this journey, skin-to-skin bonding with your baby stands out as a remarkable and essential experience. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the science behind skin-to-skin bonding, the pivotal role of a baby wrap in facilitating this intimate connection, and provide a step-by-step guide to help you harness the full potential of this invaluable experience.
Understanding the Science Behind Skin-to-Skin Bonding
Skin-to-skin bonding, or kangaroo care, is not merely a feel-good practice; it is backed by scientific research and has far-reaching implications for both parents and babies. In this section, we'll delve into the physiological and psychological benefits, the developmental impact on your baby, and the hormonal changes that occur during skin-to-skin bonding.
Physiological Benefits for Your Baby
1. Temperature Regulation: Skin-to-skin contact
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
January 10, 2024
When will my baby smile for the first time? When will they crawl for the first time? And when can I buy the first super cute baby booties because my little one is taking their first steps? Oh, the first year of life with a baby is so exciting! So many "firsts". It feels like every day, or at least every week, little one is suddenly able to do something new.
So that you always know what's coming next for you and your little one, we at Ergobaby want to be at your side. Firstly, with our informative and helpful Baby Steps newsletter, which keeps you up to date every few weeks on what developmental steps baby will be taking next. Simply subscribe to the Baby Steps newsletter, enter your baby's expected date of birth and you're ready to go.
Baby development milestones: New blog series on the 12 milestones
But that's not enough for us. We would also like to accompany you here on our blog during your first year of life together. Every month, our brand-new blog series "Milestones" will provide
Pregnancy & Birth
Expert Tips for Parents
December 19, 2023
As soon as you see that positive pregnancy test your mind starts racing! And soon the questions about food and drink start coming: "Can I still drink my beloved cup (cups!) of coffee in the morning?" "Does my fried egg really need to be cooked all the way through?" "Oh no, I'd better cancel dinner with my friends at the sushi restaurant on Wednesday..." In short, most pregnant people worry about the following from the early days: What can’t I eat and drink during pregnancy? And even if you think you roughly know the rules - no alcohol, no caffeine, no raw fish, no raw meat - doubts suddenly arise again at the moment of purchase or consumption. Isn't mozzarella also raw milk cheese? Can I eat salami or not? And what about parmesan?
It is precisely this uncertainty that we want to take away from you here and now. And we’ve created a handy document on "What not to eat and drink during pregnancy" (pdf), with all the details you need. You can carry this list with you and easily check whether
Expert Tips for Parents
December 14, 2023
Have you heard of the tiger in a tree hold? Or know why most babies love it? And most importantly, do you know how to do it?
This carry is super practical, and our expert Katrin Ritter is here to share how to do this helpful position correctly and the benefits it brings.
Tiger in a tree: for tummy ache, flatulence or just for fun
Why do babies like tiger in a tree?
The tiger in a tree hold is just one of many different positions in which you can hold your baby, but it is a very helpful one. This is because your baby lies comfortably in a prone position on your forearm (just like a tiger lying on the branch a tree!) and this has several benefits. In this position, they experience gentle pressure and warmth on the tummy area. The small abdominal massage allows trapped air in the stomach to escape more easily and relieves bloating and tummy ache. However, it's best not to use this position directly after eating. This could lead to milk being expelled again.
The tiger in a tree hold is
Expert Tips for Parents
December 11, 2023
It's no secret that babies need a lot of closeness and affection. Especially in the early months, when they have just arrived in the world. New parents know this all too well. So is your newborn baby crying when you lay them down? Whether it’s going to the toilet, a quick shower, preparing a bottle or porridge - as soon as you put the little one down in the playmat or baby bouncer, they get upset. But why is that? And what can you do? Our midwife and expert Katrin Ritter is here to help.
Baby cries when put down - why is that?
At Ergobaby, we always emphasise how important it is for your baby to be close to you. After all, newborns are used to the close confinement, warmth and sound of your heartbeat from the womb. Close physical contact is also extremely important so that the baby can build a secure bond with its caregivers. This is a basic need for your newborn baby. So it's no wonder that your baby cries when you want to put them down. Carrying them gives them security and the secure
Expert Tips for Parents
December 07, 2023
"I'm the mum, you're the dad and you're the baby!" There will most likely come a time when your child will say these exact words to you, their friends, or their siblings. Because children love to playfully slip into other roles. They imitate their parents and chauffeur their favourite toy around in a pram or doll carrier. Just like their grown-ups do. This is a good and important developmental step. Role play supports your child's personality development on various levels, reveals our midwife and babywearing expert Katrin Ritter. But why?
The importance of role play games for children – Freud’s Theory
A child usually starts role-playing at around the age of three. According to Sigmund Freud's "Theory of Psychoanalysis", this is also the time when a toddler enters the so-called phallic phase. According to the Austrian psychologist and doctor, children go through five phases in their psychosexual development:
Oral phase - in the first year of life: focus on the mouth region and skin
Expert Tips for Parents
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
November 30, 2023
Ouch! What was that? You're sitting completely relaxed on the sofa with your baby and then suddenly your baby bites you! We get it, it really hurts ... After all, the nipple is super sensitive. And tiny little teeth are razor sharp. But don't worry, this is really the exception rather than the rule. If your baby belongs to the "teether" team, then today's blog article is for you. Because our midwife and expert Katrin Ritter knows why some babies do it and has some helpful biting-related chestfeeding / breastfeeding tips for you.
Baby bites while breastfeeding: When does it start?
On average, babies' first milk teeth come in between the sixth and eighth month of life. However, some babies start teething earlier (3rd/4th month) or later. And some are born with their first tooth already in their mouth. So, from the moment teething starts, an accidental bite can occur. Fortunately, teeth appear in the lower jaw first. And the baby pushes the protective tongue over those teeth when latched/sucking.
Expert Tips for Parents
November 28, 2023
We've all been there: you've been pacing up and down the room for what feels like hours, your little one is lying in your arms or sitting in the carrier and is finding it difficult to fall asleep. But they really need it! And you had already planned to tackle some of your to do list or get some rest yourself (aka some doom scrolling on the sofa)! No matter what you try whether you sway, sing, bounce on your birthing ball - if it just doesn't work and you get more and more overwhelmed... this is where the basic problem lies as our midwife and sleep expert Katrin Ritter knows. Because one of the magic words in baby sleep is relaxation and your child can’t be relaxed if more and more external stimuli are acting on them.
The story of the sabre-toothed tiger: why baby won't sleep unless held!
To find out why, let's take a quick look at the science of baby sleep. A baby needs to be warm, full, and tired to fall asleep. But not only that. They also need to be relaxed, and to feel safe and secure.
Ergobaby Community
Expert Tips for Parents
November 20, 2023
Has your baby been unhappy for days, crying a lot and drooling and chewing on everything in their path? Then a tooth is probably on the way. A really challenging time for your little darling, but also for you. Because the helplessness you experience as a parent during this time is simply awful.
After all, you want to take away your little one's pain or at least be there to sympathise with them. But how? “How to help a teething baby” is a universally searched-for phrase by parents – it might even be how you came to find this blog! And anyway: how do you even know that it's the teeth that are tormenting your baby?
After all, it is often the case that a baby is teething but there is no tooth in sight. Together with our midwife and babywearing expert Katrin Ritter, we take a look behind the scenes of teething and explain what's going on in your baby's jaw.
So here they are, the most pressing questions (and answers) about teething babies.
The baby teething process: what to expect
Tooth emergence,