You’ve mastered the walk (or waddle, we’ve been there!) around the block, you’ve done your first grocery shop since baby arrived and now it’s your first day out with baby!
The first time you have a day out with baby is very different from the spontaneous trips you took before you became a parent. Whereas before you simply grabbed your bag and set off, a day out with baby take a little more planning. But no matter where you’re going and what you’re doing we’ve got you covered with the ultimate checklist of things to take with you. Nappy explosion in a café... no problem! Baby starts clamouring for a bottle or boob just as you step in a changing room... you’ve got a plan! We’re going to share all our secrets for success!
No matter the trip you’ll always need a well-stocked changing bag:
- Nappy changing basics: First things first a changing bag needs changing supplies. Nappies, wipes (wet or cloth), nappy sacks, a nappy cream if you use one and a changing mat.
- A change of clothes: Having at least one change of clothes for baby is a must. A poonami, spit-up or milk spill can happen all too quickly on the go. And you are not immune to this either. So don't forget a spare top for you too! Better safe than sorry. A waterproof bag to put any dirty items in is a great idea too.
- Muslins: The general rule of thumb is that you can never have too many muslins. They can be used for anything and everything: mopping up spit-up, sun protection, as a blanket, you name it!
- Feeding supplies – breast/chestfeeding: If you are breast/chestfeeding your baby then the good news is you’ll have pretty much everything you need with you already! Some spare breast/chestpads can be handy and we’ve already mentioned muslins. But our pro tip? Grab your Ergobaby baby carrier. You can feed little one while wearing it.
- Feeding supplies – bottle feeding
If you are bottle feeding then you’ll need a measured amount of formula powder in a small, clean, and dry container, a vacuum flask of hot water that's just been boiled and an empty sterilised feeding bottle with cap and retaining ring in place. Or, if you’re nervous about little one suddenly being hungry and having to scrabble to make a bottle in an unfamiliar environment, you can take a pre-made “ready to drink” bottle in your bag instead. Do whatever is right for you and baby. - A snack and some water for you You need to keep your strength up too! Keep a bottle of water and your favourite snack in your bag. Most cafés will let you refill a reusable bottle for free so don’t be afraid to ask, and some even offer free refreshments for breast/chestfeeding parents! And don’t forget your purse, keys, all the things you’d usually take with you.
- A toyMost newborn babies will be happy just looking around them/at you but if you want you can bring something like a rattle or colourful toy to keep them entertained while you’re out and about.
- Spare dummies: If you use a dummy be sure to pack spares in case one gets dropped or lost.
- Extra items Finally, some bits and pieces that aren’t strictly necessary but are always handy to have to hand: a portable phone charger and cable, hand sanitiser and cream, lip balm, a mini first aid kid including any medicines you or baby might need, and a spare bobble/clip for your hair.
Bonus tip - refill your bag (with the non-perishable items) straight after every outing. That way, you'll always be ready to go without having to run around the house looking for things.
First day out with baby - baby carrier, stroller or bouncer?
Now let’s get to the big question. Is this a stroller kind of day trip, a baby carrier kind of day trip or a bouncer kind of day trip?
A day in the city
If you’re heading to a city centre, a museum, shopping centre etc. then a Metro+ Stroller is a great choice. It’s practical, it’s comfortable and it can be folded quickly and easily with just one hand if you encounter steps or other obstacles. You can stow your shopping or snacks in the spacious storage basket while baby snoozes in the newborn nest. Maybe you’ll even get to try on that top that caught your eye or drink a whole cup of coffee in peace!
That said... for newborns, we’d also recommend popping your carrier in the storage basket for if baby misses the closeness of you. You are their safe space after all and no one wants to be carrying baby with one hand and pushing the buggy with the other! All our baby carriers fit perfectly in our Metro+ stroller’s storage basket, making them the perfect duo, and our Away carrier even folds down into a pouch that can be hung from your stroller handle!

And a baby carrier is the best choice if you’ll be in a particularly busy location, somewhere without much room to manoeuvre, or somewhere you would need to keep taking baby in and out of a stroller. A carrier will make it easier to find your way through any hustle and bustle, and baby also gets the ultimate safety and security of being close to you.
A day outdooars
The mountains are calling, and you’ve decided to brave your first proper day in the great outdoors with baby. If you’ll be going somewhere strollers just can’t go (think across muddy fields, over stiles, remote picnic locations), then a baby carrier is the clear winner. Baby will be happy snuggled close to you and an ergonomic baby carrier is comfortable for everyone involved. We recommend an Omni, Adapt or Aerloom carrier for long distances as they have plenty of support for you and baby. Plus, if you breast/chestfeed then you can feed your little one in the carrier. There is something beautiful about feeding baby in nature (however you feed them!).
Visiting family or friends
Are you taking baby to meet grandma and grandad or friends at home? Then let’s jump right in. The Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer is a great choice. Baby stays right in the centre of things so everyone can interact with them but without them being passed from one to the other and keeping them close to you. The bouncer can be folded up (and stored in a carry bag – sold separately) meaning you can easily take it with you.
If you’re not comfortable with everyone getting up close and personal with your new arrival, then a baby carrier is a great way to keep them close. If you are breast/chestfeeding, you can also do this with a little more privacy by keeping baby in the carrier if you’re not yet confident feeding in a room full of people. Our Embrace carrier is perfectly designed for newborn snuggles, or you can pre-tie our Aura Wrap before you even leave the house to make taking baby in and our super easy.
Your first day out with baby – you’ve got this!
We have one last word of caution to share. No matter how well you plan, babies follow no rules so if your day doesn’t go to plan then don’t worry. There’s plenty more to come and you can just try again next time! But hopefully by now you’re feeling empowered to enjoy your first day out with baby, wherever it might be!