October 08, 2024
Obviously we’re big fans of babywearing and keeping baby close, especially in the fourth trimester. But we also know there are times when you need to put your baby down for a moment. To go to the loo. Shower. Do some postnatal exercise. Just take five minutes where you’re not being touched. Whatever it is, you might be asking “where can I put my baby (without them immediately protesting because they can't be close to me)”? A baby swing seat or rocker, a car seat, baby bouncer, playpen, bassinet? There are a lot of options but we might be able to help. Together with our expert and midwife Katrin Ritter, we'll explore different options today.
Baby Bouncer
There are various types of
October 03, 2024
Using a baby carrier is universally loved by babies and parents alike. After all, there's nothing quite as cosy, comfortable, and practical all at once. A baby carrier offers a win-win situation for everyone involved. It allows you to keep your little one close, responding promptly to their every need. This gives your baby a sense of security and comfort. At the same time, it gives you the freedom to get on with daily activities, allowing you to multitask whilst being there for your little one. Our long-time followers already know this, as we never tire of emphasising how healthy and helpful carrying your baby in an ergonomic carrier can be.Over the years, we've shared numerous babywearing tips, explaining how using an ergonomic baby carrier can support your baby's physical and psychological development. We've also provided helpful advice on using your baby carrier correctly. Today, we'd like to look back and present our ten most popular babywearing blogs.
October 01, 2024
Have you ever wondered why babywearing is so popular? It's not just about keeping your little miracle close and doing something good for your child. Babywearing is also great postnatal exercise, positively impacting your fitness and well-being. It offers you a wonderful opportunity to build a close bond with your baby while simultaneously doing something for your health.
In today's blog, we want to take a closer look at how babywearing is a natural full-body workout. You'll learn how it promotes your cardiovascular health and helps reduce stress. We'll also explore the emotional benefits that come with carrying your baby. So, grab your baby carrier and let's explore the amazing advantages of babywearing together.
Babywearing as a Natural Full-Body Workout
September 27, 2024
Cooking, showering, working out - in daily life with a baby, you quickly encounter situations where you'd like to put your little one down for a moment. Newborns aren’t usually thrilled with this idea. Firstly because, as you likely know, we are a carrying species meaning our babies are designed to be carried. And secondly, because if they are put down they quickly lose sight of you and this goes against their instincts until a certain age. A baby bouncer is a brilliant alternative for 'parking' your child for a short time. Not only can your little treasure continue to observe you, but, from the right age, they can also entertain and soothe themselves with gentle bouncing movements. However, if your baby has just arrived, it's crucial to ensure that your newborn bouncer is suitable for newborns. Why is this so important?
Baby Bouncer for Newborns: Ergonomically Supported from Head to Hip
September 19, 2024
Are you soon to be an aunt, uncle, grandparent, or simply excited for your friend or colleagues' new baby? Then you're likely facing the big question: What is the best new baby present? Practical, cute, cuddly, personalised or timeless - the choices are vast! You want to give something the baby or family doesn't already have, or that isn't a common gift. You want your new baby present to hit the mark and be unforgettable. Let's explore your options together. Perhaps you'll find some inspiration.
The significance of the right new baby present
A child's birth is a true milestone. Joy, excitement, and boundless love are just a few emotions tied to this event. During this special time, new baby presents are more than material gifts – they express your connection to the newcomer and your wishes for their future happiness. Whether from family members, friends or colleagues,
September 17, 2024
Are you ready for the next milestone in your baby's development on the way to walking? This is the ninth part of our blog series “Baby’s Developmental Milestones With Ergobaby: Baby’s First Year”. The 9-month-old baby development milestones are all about crawling. After all, the preparation for crawling by sitting at an angle and getting up on their hands and knees all likely happened last month. So now your little one has discovered the joy of moving forwards and orienting themselves upwards and this needs to be developed further. Nothing is safe from the curious paws of your nine-month-old baby. There's no cupboard or drawer that won't be cleared out, believe us...
September 13, 2024
There is World First Aid Day every year on the second Saturday in September. Its mission? To provide everyone with an annual opportunity to promote and gain knowledge in first aid. So today we’re talking about “Baby First Aid” together with the experts from Daisy First Aid and Malteser - with basic information and tips for how to handle common childhood accidents and injuries.
They are some of the worst moments for parents: when baby rolls off the changing table or the bed, they have a high fever, they choke on a piece of fruit or are stung by a bee or wasp. Nobody wants
September 12, 2024
Having a baby is a remarkable journey that bring about numerous changes in your body – as you’ve probably noticed! While you may be focused on the growth of your baby, you might also notice that a lot is happening with your skin!
Some people talk about having that famed pregnancy glow, but others feel quite the opposite with all the hormonal changes. From pregnancy-related skin concerns such as itchy skin during pregnancy, to postpartum skincare routines, this blog post will cover everything you need to know about Skincare in pregnancy and the postpartum period.
Skin Changes During Pregnancy
Pregnancy hormones can trigger a range of skin changes, both delightful and challenging. Here's what you can expect:
1. The pregnancy glow:
September 05, 2024
For many people, coffee is an essential part of their daily routine. But when you're pregnant or a new parent, you may wonder how coffee affects your health and your baby's well-being. This might lead you to ask can you drink coffee while pregnant? The short answer is – probably! So don’t panic! But there’s lots you should know. From the potential risks and benefits, to tips for moderation, we've got you covered.
Drinking coffee during pregnancy
One of the best bits about coffee is the caffeine! Right?! It’s a natural stimulant and while it might be the only way you can function first thing in the morning, it can also cross the placenta and affect your baby. So how much caffeine can you have when pregnant? What’s safe?
1. Caffeine Content in Coffee:
September 03, 2024
By Illiyin Morrison, perinatal trauma specialist midwife and birth debrief facilitator
I stumbled into the world of perinatal / birth trauma as an uncomfortable accident. A series of happenings that shaped my whole life and changed the trajectory of my career. I am a midwife, mother, podcaster, author and birth debrief facilitator. I help people to work through their traumatic experiences