June 16, 2024
Happy Father’s Day! At Ergobaby we celebrate all babywearing dads all year long, and we love to see fathers embracing life with their children in a baby carrier. And now we’re asking the big question, what kind of babywearing dad are you (or your partner)?
The go-everywhere-together kind
Image: @el.problemito
June 13, 2024
Congratulations! Your little darling is half a year old! It's amazing how time flies... In today's instalment of our blog series ‘Baby’s developmental milestones with Ergobaby: baby’s first year’, we want to take a look at what your little one has probably achieved by the end of their sixth month of life together with our midwife and baby expert Katrin Ritter. We say ‘probably’ because each of our babies naturally develops at their own pace. You shouldn't worry if it takes a little longer for your little one
June 11, 2024
We caught up with our baby sleep specialist Gemma Coe to find out everything you need to know about the dreaded sleep regressions...
Understandably the term ‘sleep regression’ may make you a little cautious! Baby sleep is rarely linear and there will be peaks and troughs throughout their life, especially in the first year. However, there are certain time windows where we can predict changes in patterns to how your little one sleeps. These are often called a sleep regression. However, they don’t happen on exactly the anniversary of a certain date, so please don’t worry about approaching the four- or eight-month mark!
Understanding the 4 month sleep regression
It typically hits between three to five-months, and for premature babies, it syncs with their adjusted age. Whether
June 08, 2024
Is there such a thing? A sustainable baby carrier? Absolutely, and not just one. Ergobaby baby carriers are all fundamentally sustainable due to their durability. They are regularly used for multiple babies across multiple families. But that's not all. With many of our baby carriers, we already focus on sustainability in terms of materials and production too. We’re committed to leaving the world a better place for future generations. This month we celebrate both World Environment Day on 5th June and World Oceans Day on 8th June so we thought it was the perfect time to share the adjustments we are making so that Ergobaby and our products are more sustainable, and contribute to a better world.
Sustainable baby carriers and products - our commitment at Ergobaby
May 20, 2024
Your baby is in their fifth month of life and step by step their development is progressing. The two halves of their brain are becoming more and more connected, so that by the end of the fifth month they will probably be able to grasp in a targeted manner. And beyond the centre of their body. This is HUGE deal, because this skill requires lots of coordination and is a big step on your baby's developmental journey. It's the prerequisite for your little miracle to turn later on.
And that brings us right back to the fifth part of our blog series "Baby’s developmental milestones". In it, our lovely midwife and baby expert Katrin Ritter tells you what your baby
May 17, 2024
Many parents who embark on a breast/chestfeeding journey come across a pump at some point. Whether your feeding journey doesn’t get off to the start you hoped it would, or you want to try introducing a bottle, or because exclusively pumping is your first choice, whatever the reason, having an efficient tool for expressing milk can be a real help.
In addition to the important first hour after birth, during which your newborn baby goes through the nine stages of adaptation, expressing milk can also play a decisive role in the start of your feeding journey. Before the birth, however, your milk is not pumped, but expressed by hand, to
May 14, 2024
Yay and congratulations, you're pregnant! We hope you're doing well and enjoying this exciting new stage of your life without worrying too much about what you should or shouldn’t be doing. There are so many myths about being pregnant but don't let them stress you out. There are a few rules to follow simply to protect yourself and the little miracle in your tummy. For example, the topic ‘What not to eat and drink during pregnancy’, is a topic we’ve discussed on the blog before. Today, together with our expert Katrin, we want to take a closer look at a few more persistent rumours, like, can you dye your hair when pregnant? ect..Which ones are true and which ones can we bust?
Can you dye your hair when pregnant?
May 10, 2024
When I became a mother for the second time, one of the things I was most excited about was that I could start tandem carrying my daughter with her two-year-old brother! The options and choices for carrying both of them together were vast and I was so excited to try them all. You can use pretty much any type of sling or carrier for tandem babywearing. I quickly became adept at using one woven wrap to carry them both! However, when my toddler son wanted to get up and down a lot and my newborn daughter was sleeping - this swiftly became impractical outside of nap time.
Stretchy wraps and buckled carriers soon became my “go-to” carriers. They offered flexibility, variety and I could get both of my children in and out independently of each other. As they grew, this evolved into using two buckled carriers for speed.
As a Slingababy trained Carrying Consultant, I have also worked extensively with parents
May 09, 2024
Katrin Ritter has been part of our Ergobaby team in Europe for more than 14 years and has put her heart and soul into it. She is also the mother of a teenager, a midwife, a businesswoman in the healthcare sector, a certified babywearing consultant from the Dresden Babywearing School and a baby sleep expert. In other words, she knows what she‘s talking about when it comes to the healthy development of babies, ergonomics and all things pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period.
Katrin also heads up the marketing department for health professionals, looks after medical professionals in our markets, holds webinars and lectures on specialist topics for midwives, medical staff and babywearing and breastfeeding consultants, and is passionate about product development. Each of our ergonomic products is extensively tested by Katrin with families before being launched on the market,
May 02, 2024
The Spin to Win promotion is open to all UK (excluding Northern Ireland residents) aged 18 years or over, except employees of the Promoter, their families, agents, or any third party directly associated with administration of the prize draw.
The prize draw is free to enter, and no purchase is necessary.
Only one entry per email address is permitted.
A maximum of one prize per customer is allowed.
The opening date for entries is 08:00 on Monday 6th May 2024. The closing date of the prize draw is 23:59 on 12th May 2024. Entries received after this time will not be considered.
Prizes will be offered in the form of winning discount