Expert Tips for Parents
December 04, 2022
With the holiday season around the corner, we asked Sarah Patel, a certified baby and toddler sleep consultant and founder of Teach To Sleep, to provide us with some tips on how we can support our little one’s sleep during the festive period.
Bedtimes and Nap Routines
All babies and children thrive on routine and consistency so if you can, stick to your usual nap and bedtime routines. It doesn’t have to be the exact routine, for example if your little one usually has a bath as part of their bedtime routine and you are visiting family who don’t have a bath or you arrive too late to do the bath, this isn’t going to impact sleep.
By doing a small part of your bedtime routine your little one will still understand that bedtime is coming. This might be as simple as,
Expert Tips for Parents
November 13, 2022
Are early wake ups meaning you have an overtired baby on your hands ? Thinking of sticking with a baby blanket rather than a sleeping bag ?
Today, we speak to Sarah Patel, founder of Teach To Sleep, she may change your mind.
Sarah is mum to two little ones who are 18 months apart and a Certified Baby and Toddler Sleep Consultant. She has over 15 years’ experience as a teacher in primary and further education. Sarah is a holistic sleep consultant who uses her long standing experience in education to teach parents all there is
Expert Tips for Parents
November 03, 2022
Winter is nearly here! Beautiful yellow and brown golden leaves are settling on the ground. We're spending Sunday afternoons snuggled up on the sofa watching our favourite family movies. With the change in season, many parents wonder, "what about our baby's sleep during winter?".
We have summarised the best sleeping tips for the cold season for you. And created a baby sleep temperature guide to help you plan ahead!
1. Moderate your heating
Your central heating might make cracking noises, loud hisses,
Expert Tips for Parents
October 26, 2022
The spookiest night of the year is finally upon us, Halloween!
We can't wait to think up little tricks and see what creative costumes everyone comes up with. You may be a little worried that the night of scary costumes, scary decorations and graveyard noises might not go down too well with your little ones. After all, you don't want to scare or upset them. Don't worry, a few tricks will help make the day fun for all of you.
The 10 best tips for Halloween with a baby and a small child.
Expert Tips for Parents
October 25, 2022
We share our top three tips to prepare your little ones for daylight savings
We are reaching that time of year when we set our clocks back an hour to be ready for daylight savings. In theory, this means everyone will have one extra hour of sleep. However, this doesn't work for babies and small children. The time change is not so easy for them to understand, especially if you always do your feeding and bedtime routines at the same time. You just might not be able to enjoy the extra hour on Sunday 29th October.
Don't worry, we have some handy tips to make the hour time change easier for everyone.
Babies need their rhythm
Babies and toddlers sleep- wake rhythms are quite sensitive, especially when
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
October 18, 2022
"What, you're breast/chest feeding your baby to sleep?" "Don't do that or they never be able to fall asleep without you." How many times have you heard this?
You are certainly not the only ones. In the first few months, many babies are breast/chest fed or bottle-fed to fall asleep. In fact, it's almost impossible to prevent your baby from falling asleep while drinking when they are is still so small.
And let's say it up front, that's perfectly okay in the early stages. It helps you bond and ensures that all your baby's nutritional needs are met. You can also think of it as nature's superpower, or a tool to soothe newborns and soothe them into a restful sleep. This is quite natural as young babies sleep 14-18 hours in the first few weeks anyway.
How sleep changes
Expert Tips for Parents
September 05, 2022
It can be exciting or even a little heartbreaking to see your little one leave their cot and sleeping bag behind and move into a big bed with a duvet and pillow.
But when is the right time to transition safely?
UK Sleep specialist, Gemma Coe is a mum of two and is a certified baby and child sleep consultant. Gemma helps families develop healthy sleep habits and shares with us what you should consider when switching from sleeping bag to duvet.
When to say goodbye to the sleeping bag
Health & Wellness
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
July 20, 2022
Nipple piercings: What do I have to bear in mind during pregnancy and breast/chestfeeding?
When you hear terms like snake bite, flat helix, high nostril or orbital, you immediately know what it's all about? Great, then maybe this is the right blog post for you. For everyone else: The above terms refer to different piercings for the mouth, ear and nose. Since body jewellery is currently making a comeback, we wanted to take another look at the topic of piercings and answer the question: can you breastfeed with a nipple piercing? It's clear that a nose or ear stud won't get in the way. Unless your baby discovers something glittering on your face and wants to pull it (ouch!). However, this post is about nipple piercings.
So, if you have your nipples pierced and you're wondering can you breast/chestfeed with a nipple piercing in, then read on:
June 27, 2022
Let's face it: there's nothing quite as exciting as the first few weeks after a birth, with that little, incomparably good-smelling creature suddenly part of the family. For parents, this time usually means overwhelming love, unprecedented responsibility and, at the same time, endless questions. Now it's about getting to know each other and building a bond. That's why everything should be as simple and stress-free as possible. Warmth, quiet and lots of cuddle time are the most important things now. But why do so many new parents choose our Ergobaby Embrace baby carrier at this particular time?
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
Expert Tips for Parents
June 18, 2022
For all those who didn't know it yet: Baby carrying and breastfeeding/chestfeeding is an unbeatable combination. There are even studies that show that intensive physical contact between mum and baby promotes successful breastfeeding/chest feeding and that the use of a baby carrier can even outweigh the negative effects of a complicated birth or initial separation.
So if you want to breastfeed/chestfeed your baby, it is worthwhile to carry him or her as often and as close to you as possible. Especially after birth, letting your baby crawl to your breast while lying on your mother's stomach is the most important building block for starting the breastfeeding/ chest feeding relationship. The physical closeness also stimulates milk production through the release of the bonding hormone oxytocin. Of course, it's no wonder that your little one gets wind of this when you're out and about in the baby carrier and wants a sip.