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Health & Wellness
Ergobaby Community
September 18, 2022
The health benefits of not smoking and limiting alcohol consumption are well known. However, fewer people are aware that a healthy and active lifestyle reduces the risk of cancer by almost a third, and this way of life has an influence from birth. In order to raise awareness among as many people as possible, we have partnered with Pink Ribbon Belgium, the national non-profit organisation that fights against breast cancer.
We sometimes talk about a life before and a life after children. Suddenly, you are responsible for a "mini-you". Going out spontaneously for an evening is more challenging, as from now on, you have to plan everything. What if you want to relax? Does a baby also limit your freedom of movement as much? Fortunately, the reality is not so easy. Yes, from now on you are responsible for that little person, and yes, you will have to adapt your lifestyle. But to be chained to the house? Â Not at all! The traditional image of the mother staying at home is long gone. Â Also whereas
Health & Wellness
Expert Tips for Parents
Breastfeeding & Nutrition
July 20, 2022
Nipple piercings: What do I have to bear in mind during pregnancy and breast/chestfeeding?Â
When you hear terms like snake bite, flat helix, high nostril or orbital, you immediately know what it's all about? Great, then maybe this is the right blog post for you. For everyone else: The above terms refer to different piercings for the mouth, ear and nose. Since body jewellery is currently making a comeback, we wanted to take another look at the topic of piercings and answer the question: can you breastfeed with a nipple piercing? It's clear that a nose or ear stud won't get in the way. Unless your baby discovers something glittering on your face and wants to pull it (ouch!). However, this post is about nipple piercings.
So, if you have your nipples pierced and you're wondering can you breast/chestfeed with a nipple piercing in, then read on:
Nipple piercings in pregnancy
If you want to keep your piercing, consider using larger jewellery than you are used to. As breasts/chest tissue grows
Health & Wellness
Expert Tips for Parents
July 06, 2022
"Sleep, little baby, sleep..." is the sound of many parents dreams when putting baby to sleep in the cot. But what happens when the "little dream" doesn't really work out and mum or dad shake the baby out of sheer desperation? In counselling, even as an expert, you are confronted with stressful issues from time to time. A parents' intuitive ability to soothe their own baby can be negatively influenced from the outside. This can be the case, for example, through prolonged sleep deprivation, general exhaustion, postpartum depression, traumatic birth experiences, loss events or even a crying baby. It is estimated that between 100 and 200 children are admitted to German hospitals with shaking trauma every year. Experts assume that the number of unreported cases is high. Therefore, when working with parents, it is also important to be vigilant and to react promptly in case of a case.
What causes parents to shake their baby
We have other articles on baby sleep in detail in our Expert Tips of
Health & Wellness
Expert Tips for Parents
May 07, 2021
The Top 5 Workout Moves That All New Mums Should Master From Our Partners at CARiFiT
In this blog we cover our go-to exercises help to boost your mood, ease aches and strengthen your body for the demands of motherhood…these are the very basic building blocks and will get you moving again in a safe and beneficial way.
Lifting your baby out of a cot, carrying a car seat (wow those things are heavy), making coffee one-handed with your little one on your hip: being a mum places serious demands on your body. While the early days and weeks post-birth should be focused on restoring your core and pelvic floor muscles (think of it like building a house: the core and pelvic floor are the foundations) after your 6-week GP sign off (or around 10-12 weeks if you had a C-section) it’s a great idea to start working on functional movement patterns that will get you stronger, make daily #mumlife tasks a little easier and even alleviate those newfound aches and pains.
By functional movement patterns, we
Health & Wellness
Expert Tips for Parents
September 04, 2020
Caring for your baby's tiny feet to encourage healthy development
You'll soon be hearing the pitter-patter of tiny feet — but how do you care for them? In this post, Rachel Clinkard, from the family shoe retailer Charles Clinkard, explains how new parents can care for their little one's feet during their first few years of life.
If you've just welcomed your newest arrival into the family, then you'll no doubt already be obsessed with your baby's tiny feet — after all, they're pretty adorable! But you might be wondering whether there's anything you need to do to make sure their feet and toes stay healthy as they grow. While most of the development will of course happen naturally, there are steps you can take to help the process along. Here, I'll share my advice for taking care of your baby's feet, so they'll grow strong and healthy enough to carry them through life.
Clean and care for their feet daily
Before long, you'll start to notice that your little one enjoys touching, holding,
Health & Wellness
April 05, 2020
The CARiFiT guide to home workouts for new mums!
Home workouts have never been more relevant, searched for or useful than right now. They provide much needed movement and physical stimulation and the mental health benefits that everyone is well aware come from a workout.
As well as this, at a time of great isolation they provide a much needed sense of community, friendship and belonging – a safe place to hang out, chat and interact.
As a new mum there is even more ‘home workouts’ hitting your social feed and being advertised to you then ever before BUT just because you can do something in your front room doesn’t always mean that you should.
As a postnatal client you still need to apply proper training protocols to your workouts to keep you safe and injury free and the workouts beneficial and appropriate.
Just as a high impact plyometric training session built around burpees and jump squats may be an inappropriate choice for a new mum in the gym – it is an equally inappropriate choice
Health & Wellness
Expert Tips for Parents
February 02, 2020
In this blog post, GP Dr Stephanie Ooi discusses some of the most common new mum questions.
Dr Steph is part of the CARiFiT team and has contributed content to their FREE online membership CARiFiT 4 ALL.
In this first blog, Dr Steph tackles 2 topics :
Vaccine myths and the rise in them being such a hot topic.
Fever in children – current guidelines and advice.
Vaccine Myths
The importance of vaccines shouldn’t be underestimated. They really do save lives. Thanks to vaccines, disease such as Smallpox and Polio are a thing of the past. These are conditions that had truly devastating consequences.
Science has worked tirelessly to produce these vaccines to protect us and our children. I believe it’s a privilege to have them available FREE to us in the UK.
The UK NHS childhood vaccination programme protects our children against many other dangerous diseases such as Meningitis C. I am incredibly passionate that all children should follow this schedule. It is safe, effective and more importantly
Health & Wellness
Expert Tips for Parents
January 06, 2020
From our partners :
Delivery type, diastasis recti, pelvic floor. When you look to return to exercise after the arrival of your baby you are going to be bombarded with all sorts of information and some quite conflicting opinions. It was a desire to put all the info that new mums new from a range of cross medical and fitness experts that led us to create CARiFiT 4 ALL our free RCGP backed postnatal scheme.
For now let us take you through some simple and safe guidelines and things to consider and get you into the mindset that slow and steady wins the race when you’ve had a baby.
We’re stating the obvious here, but birthing and keeping alive a small human is an all-consuming task. With cluster feeds, nappy changes and sleepless nights on repeat, exercise slips way down (or falls right off) a new mum’s agenda. And that’s absolutely fine.
Slowly though, that newborn fog lifts (trust us), routines take shape and the thought of fitting in a workout doesn’t feel like climbing Everest. You want
Health & Wellness
Health Professionals
Expert Tips for Parents
January 19, 2017
If not, meet baby Matilda (aka Tilly) and her incredible Mum, Amy.
‘’Matilda was breech for most of my third trimester, which is what lead to problem. When she was born they discovered that her hips 'clicked' when manipulated. An ultrasound at 6 weeks of age confirmed that both hips were affected, and she was diagnosed with bi-lateral hip dysplasia. Tilly was placed in to a Pavlik Harness when she was 8 weeks which she has to wear for 3 months. The harness holds her hips into the correct position while they develop. She has to wear it 24/7, and we have to ensure that her legs stay in an M Shape (knees up with the legs apart which helps the hips to stay aligned with the joint) as much as possible.’’
Mum Amy, found the Steps Charity incredible helpful and has a lot of information on Matilda’s condition and was a great help to her when she was first diagnosed.
Amy has been reviewing the new Ergobaby Swaddle and Sleep Set with Tilly and you can read more
of her story below:
“My now