The CARiFiT guide to home workouts for new mums!
Home workouts have never been more relevant, searched for or useful than right now. They provide much needed movement and physical stimulation and the mental health benefits that everyone is well aware come from a workout.
As well as this, at a time of great isolation they provide a much needed sense of community, friendship and belonging – a safe place to hang out, chat and interact.
As a new mum there is even more ‘home workouts’ hitting your social feed and being advertised to you then ever before BUT just because you can do something in your front room doesn’t always mean that you should.
As a postnatal client you still need to apply proper training protocols to your workouts to keep you safe and injury free and the workouts beneficial and appropriate.
Just as a high impact plyometric training session built around burpees and jump squats may be an inappropriate choice for a new mum in the gym – it is an equally inappropriate choice at home.
We have been teaching CARiFiT for almost 5 years, have seen 1000s of women at live classes and now online around the world. We have worked with doctors, midwifes, women's health physios and babywearing experts to make CARiFiT a joy for you both to participate in. So, we have compiled our top tips for making your home workouts a successful and enjoyable experience for you both!
Making sure you are safe to restart exercise.
The workouts that you choose as a new mum need to be appropriate for the postnatal body, they should be respectful of the changes your body has gone through and take into account the healing process now underway. In the UK you should wait for your postnatal check and the all clear from the doctor before returning to exercise. This normally happens at 6 weeks following a natural birth and 10-12 weeks following a c-section. If for any reason you are still under medical supervision beyond this time you should check with your doctor about when you can restart your exercise routine.
Now if you choose something like CARiFiT that is specifically postnatal then you are good to go but if you are choosing something designed for the general exercise population then you may need to factor in some modifications to reduce the impact or allow for your newly postnatal physical limitations ( these are temporary of course but cannot be ignored in those early months)
Core and pelvic floor
This is without doubt the question we get asked the most frequently. You need to be able to activate your core and pelvic floor muscles as well as breathing properly…that is part of the healing process. You may also have Diastasis Recti or Abdominal separation – this is normal and nothing to worry about – BUT the workouts you choose have to account for this and help to make it better not risk making it worse. We have condensed all you need to know in our CARiFiT 4 ALL scheme which can be found here and will educate you and support all your core based questions and the best exercises to get started with. Our online members have a dedicated core area and that combined with our doctor endorsed workouts mean CARiFiT is always an appropriate choice.
Now if you are choosing CARiFiT then here are some of our top CARiFiT specific tips that will turbo charge your results and get you and your baby loving CARiFiT and reaping the benefits.
Learn TICKS and get comfortable and confident with your carrier.
It is a ‘babywearing workout’ so needless to say this part is crucial. Both you and your baby need to be in a safe and supportive position, not just for your workout but anytime you are babywearing. You can access a FREE TICKS guide at www.carifit.co.uk/ergobaby and check your position.
Temperature control.Â
You will get warm when you work out and that warmth will transfer to your baby, so we advise that a single layer of clothing for your baby is all you need. It can be a long layer of a vest – you may need to try both to find the perfect comfort for you both.
Carrier choice.
Ultimately this is entirely up to you as a parent, there are lots to choose from but it should be a carrier that meets the TICKS guidelines and that properly fits you both. We recommend Ergobaby because whether you favour a wrap/sling or a more structured carrier they are a great fit and for workouts we particularly like their breathable cool air mesh range. You can learn more at www.carifit.co.uk/ergobaby and use the code ‘Friendsodcarifit10’ when you shop to get a discount off your choice of carrier.
Hungry babies are rarely happy babies!
When you wear you baby in a carrier you place them right next to their food source…and as you workout and your body temperature rises and if they are hungry then boy will they let you know about it. So our final top tip is to feed your baby 15 to 30 mins prior to starting your workout, then they will most likely take a very contented nap whilst you get CARiFiT. The added benefit of this is that as a nursing mum you will also feel much more comfortable during our workout with emptier breasts.
At this time there are 3 main routes to join in with CARiFiT and get the very best out of your CARiFiT workouts.
www.carifit.co.ukcarifit4all our FREE physio-led, new mum focused online membership.
www.carifit.co.uk/livestreams join us in partnership with Ergobaby every Tuesday & Thursday at 4pm for a FREE live stream 30-minute CARiFiT class with Founder Vern Hill.
www.carifit.co.uk/carifit-online the 9-month CARiFiT home workout plan that has transformed the fitness of 1000’s of new mums around the world. Workouts, nutrition and much more – currently 50% OFF.
Finally, enjoy your workouts together. It is a magical time and your baby will love being close to you and comforted by your movements, heartbeat and smell. As you baby grows so will their enjoyment of this special time…just take a look at our social media www.instagram.com/cari_fit to see how much those bigger babies love their workouts with mummy and how calm and relaxed those little sleeping babies are.