Page 4 - Family & Parenting
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
February 04, 2020
Originally posted at
Introducing your new baby to your family is a magical time. Traveling, though, maybe inevitable. So if you want to survive visiting family with your baby, follow these 11 tips for traveling with a baby.
How to Survive Any Method of Travel
1. Pack the Baby Travel Essentials
Bring familiar toys and comfort items, such as a blanket, teddy bear, books, dummies, etc., in your change bag. Also, pack some surprise toys for when, or before, tears start brewing. If your baby is eating solids, be sure to pack baby food, snacks, and spoons. Other must-have items for traveling with a baby include bibs, muslin cloths, bottles, nappies, wipes, disposable changing pads, extra clothes, a car seat, a baby carrier, and a stroller.
2. Pick the Right Time to Travel
Whether flying or driving, travel during your baby’s nap time or a time when she is well rested if you think she won’t sleep well while traveling. A sleep-deprived baby is a cranky baby, and
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
January 15, 2020
For many parents, working out how they’ll go from one baby to two is a daunting prospect, and a common worry is how their toddler will react to the new baby.
We’ve split our ten top tips for a smooth transition into five things to do before baby arrives/at the hospital, and five things to do when you’re all at home together to help you navigate your way through.
Before baby arrives/at the hospital
1. It’s never too early to start planning – Do as much of your preparation in advance as you can, there are going to be a lot of changes happening and the more you can get your little one used to in advance the less they will ‘blame’ on the new baby. This also gives you more time for trial and error, if things don’t go to plan now it’s easier to fix them while they can still be your main focus.
2. Routine is key – Once you have your new routine then do your utmost to stick to it when baby arrives, this will help reassure your toddler that not everything is changing, they will still have classes
Family & Parenting
December 02, 2019
originally posted at
Why is asking for help so hard for us? I think we have it in the back of our mind that we should be able to take care of it all, we should be able to handle everything, and it feels really outside of our comfort zone to start asking for help.
So, if you are watching this, I’m guessing you probably have already done a little bit of research on the fourth trimester, you’ve done a little bit of research on postpartum and what your needs are going to be, and I’m sure by now one message keeps coming through again and again, and that is you have to ask for help, and you have to be open to receiving it.
So, I’d like to talk a little bit about why that’s hard for us. Now, our ultimate goal is how to have a happy and healthy fourth trimester.  So, this is a transition, especially when it’s your first child, to going from being a fully functioning capable adult, you got all those adulting skills down, but now all of a sudden we’re throwing parenting into the
Family & Parenting
June 17, 2019
How do you about your weekend shopping? By car? If so, then you surely know the following small obstacle of everyday life: The weekend shopping is stowed away, your kids have already taken their seat and you are technically ready to go. Technically.
Because at the end of your shopping trip comes the real challenge: With which Tetris tactic will you manage to place your buggy next to the groceries into the car boot today? That's not so easy ... Or is it?
In the second issue of our new #madetomove video series, we'll show you how to easily handle this problem with the Ergobaby Metro. Because with just two simple motions you can fold it so small that it will fit smoothly next to your groceries. Well, there is always space even in the smallest house… Er… car boot:
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
October 13, 2017
Attachment parenting focuses on continuous connections, closeness and touch with baby. Using a carrier or sling can help aid this. Whether it’s responding to your little one’s cry or human contact carrying your children helps respond quicker. Whether it’s a baby, toddler or older child, they love to be held which means you can learn to adapt to their needs.
Ergobaby attended the most recent Attachment Parenting Conference and were lucky enough to hear so many different speakers talk about the different areas of Attachment Parenting.
Dr Rosie Knowles was a key note speaker at the event.  Dr. Rosie Knowles, runs the Snug, the Sheffield Sling Surgery, a consultancy and sling library service, and the associated online Sheffield Sling Surgery Virtual Community. She has been trained by several schools registered with the British Association of Babywearing Instructors and her passion to support families is just incredible.
For more information, visit :Â
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
April 04, 2017
Easter Holiday Inspiration, Where to stay....
Ellenborough Park is the ideal venue for luxury family holidays. A five-star country house hotel nestled in the Cotswolds Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, they are the perfect hosts for some family springtime fun. The hotel sits in 90 acres of land on the old Cheltenham Racecourse estate and is right on the doorstep of Cleeve Hill, a popular local walking destination due to its stunning views over the city. The specially kitted out boot room lets guests borrow Dubarry boots and jackets and Hunter wellingtons to make sure they’re well equipped for exploring the Cotswolds. Ergobaby have partnered up with the hotel to provide them with a selection of our Adapt and 360 carriers, allowing parents to leave the buggy behind and baby-wear on any country walks or days out in the Cotswolds. Older kids are looked after too with welcome packs and milk and cookies turndown service being some of the ways they welcome little guests.
Where to eat
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
August 24, 2016
Fashion and family lifestyle blogger, Hauptstadtmutti and two super cool hip Berlin families take part in developing a personal city guide for Berlin for those with young families.
You will find the best insider information for shopping, eating, sleeping or tips on places just to have fun in!
Check out the gorgeous pictures taken around Berlin and enjoy a trip to Berlin with all families.
Family & Parenting
July 29, 2015
It's summer time (regardless of the weather!) and we LOVE to get outdoors with our little ones. Here Sean and his wife Becs have shared some amazing snaps of their outdoor adventures with their Ergobaby Performance Carrier and their 360 Four Position Carrier.
If you enjoy the outdoors, here are some great tips from our US blog on how to survive hiking with your baby. You can read the full piece here.
1. only hike in good weather
2. check baby frequently
3. plan ahead for nappy changes
4. make getting in the baby carrier fun!
5. plan extra time for your hike
6. bring the right supplies
7. bring a baby carrier that is comfortable for both you and the baby
About Sean:
Sean, his wife Becs and their daughter live in Dollar Scotland. Sean is involved in biking (off and on road), running (mainly trail, hill)mountain, swimming preferable outside and flat water/ocean kayaking but firmly believes that while events are great, home made adventures are better! After spending time with his family,
Family & Parenting
April 11, 2015
Our good friend, Paul shared these beautiful photos with us of his recent family holiday, featuring our Original Carrier in Outback. If you're travelling with your Ergobaby this summer, check out our tips for wearing your baby in hot weather below. A great excuse for flowing dresses and floppy hats!
Read our tips for babywearing in the sun here.