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Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
March 14, 2024
We’re back again with our blog series sharing baby milestones by month titled "Baby’s Developmental Milestones With Ergobaby: Baby’s First Year. Today is the third instalment with the 3 month-old baby development steps and milestones. So, what can a baby do when they have been in this world for a quarter of a year? Our midwife and expert Katrin shares more...
Are you ready for a little more action? Your baby definitely is. They are moving out of the period where they familiarise themselves with this big new world and the urge to explore is awakened. They have left the initial adjustment difficulties behind, and your little treasure is feeling more and more at home in this world. If they suffer from flatulence, for example, this should improve by the end of the third month. This is because the digestive tract has now adjusted to the new way of eating. And maybe your sleep-wake rhythm is already working for you? If so, enjoy it. And the fact that you are now more and more experienced in
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
February 27, 2024
It happens so quickly. Week after week, this little newborn surprises you with a new, more developed skill. Time is racing and you probably want to freeze it to preserve every moment. The bad news is that unfortunately, that's not possible. The good news is that many unforgettable moments still await you - incredibly exciting and beautiful. And every age and stage has something special, something unique, along with new challenges of course.
So that you know what to expect, last month we launched our new blog series "Baby's developmental milestones with Ergobaby: Baby's first year” starting with “Your 1 month old baby”.
With the help of our midwife Katrin Ritter, we would like to share what new skills and abilities your baby could learn in each month. Of course, the periods we talk about are only guidelines, as every baby develops at their own pace. But we’ll tell you which baby milestones you can look out for in your little miracle and which you can even encourage through play. Today
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
January 22, 2024
We have already announced our brand-new blog series "Milestones" and now it’s here! We’ll be sharing all the baby developmental milestones that your little one goes through up to their first birthday. Month by month. With the help of our lovely midwife and baby expert Katrin. Today in focus: "your 1 month old baby".
So, what happens in your baby's development during the first four weeks after birth? Firstly, we would like to emphasise that every baby is an individual and develops at their own pace. Some move quicker in terms of motor skills, and others make faster cognitive progress. The following developmental stages are therefore merely guidelines. If your child is not yet showing one or two skills, give them time. It will come. And if you are ever concerned, you should talk to your midwife, health visitor or GP about whatever is troubling you.
1 month baby milestones:
They lift their head while in the prone (tummy time) position
You know the drill: your baby's head needs a lot of support
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
January 10, 2024
When will my baby smile for the first time? When will they crawl for the first time? And when can I buy the first super cute baby booties because my little one is taking their first steps? Oh, the first year of life with a baby is so exciting! So many "firsts". It feels like every day, or at least every week, little one is suddenly able to do something new.
So that you always know what's coming next for you and your little one, we at Ergobaby want to be at your side. Firstly, with our informative and helpful Baby Steps newsletter, which keeps you up to date every few weeks on what developmental steps baby will be taking next. Simply subscribe to the Baby Steps newsletter, enter your baby's expected date of birth and you're ready to go.
Baby development milestones: New blog series on the 12 milestones
But that's not enough for us. We would also like to accompany you here on our blog during your first year of life together. Every month, our brand-new blog series "Milestones" will provide
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
August 14, 2023
Have you ever wondered how newborn babies can intuitively suckle on their mother's breast/chest? How can they do it so instinctively? It's simple: sucking and suckling are innate behavioural mechanisms in young babies.
Even in the womb, growing babies can be observed sucking their thumbs during ultrasound examinations. According to scientific studies, sucking has a calming effect and can even help to reduce unpleasant or painful sensations. It's no wonder that in some families a dummy is considered the "Holy Grail" that must not be lost under any circumstances.
But what about a dummy? Is it healthy for your little one’s teeth development? And if so, what does the perfect dummy look like? Or is it best not to teach your baby to suck on a dummy, because it is so difficult to wean off later? And what if your child prefers to suck their thumb rather than a dummy?
A dummy. Yes, or no?
When it comes down to it, the choice is entirely yours. Whether your baby is breast/chest, bottle fed or using
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
July 02, 2023
Leaving home with baby for the first time can be seriously daunting. You ask yourself a hundred questions: “What do I need to take for baby?” “Will they be too hot? Too cold?” “Should I take the carrier or the stroller?” “How many nappies should I take?” “What if they need to feed while I’m gone?” and so on! There are so many things to think about and the list of contingencies just gets longer and longer.
Don’t worry, we've put together a few useful tips to make the first few times of leaving home easier.
Leaving home with baby for the first time - Everything you need to know
Prepare your bag
The first step is to prepare your change bag. Wipes, nappies, a change of clothes (or two!), nappy cream, a dummy (if you use one), maybe a toy and of course your baby carrier are all a good idea to take with you when you go out. And don't forget yourself: a bottle of water and a snack are priority number one for when you're out and about - especially if you're breast/chest feeding. And don’t forget
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
June 25, 2023
Parents of newborn babies are often nervous about placing their baby on their stomach. After all, your baby can't really hold its head up by itself yet so it’s understandable that when your little one starts to lie on their tummy, you want to quickly turn them onto their back.
And it’s no wonder if your baby grumbles at the start. The prone position or “tummy time” is not as easy for your baby at first because their head is so heavy. In addition, their spine is not yet erect in the double S-shape as it is in adults, and their hip joints are more forward so they can't lie down straight and have to work actively against this in the prone position. And sometimes they just don't feel like doing it.
What is the purpose of the prone position of a baby?
Even if the motivation is lacking, it is still important that your baby practices the prone position. The position adopted during tummy time has a great influence on your baby's motor development and has an incredible number of health benefits.
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
April 13, 2023
Springtime is so much more than a transitional time between colder temperatures and long sunny beach days. It's a season of beautiful blooming flowers and new beginnings.
Apart from our window panes, which are often in particular need of thorough cleaning after a dark winter, the first rays of sunshine also highlights everything unwelcome visible in our home. Do you remember the last time you cleaned behind or under your sofa?
Just like our bodies need a regular detox, our homes need a good deep cleanse every once in a while to get rid of all the dirt, grime, and gunk that has accumulated over time. BUT how do you juggle a big household clean up job with a baby in tow?
It doesn’t always have to be a deep cleanse.
The first thing to do is to stay calm and remember, if life with a young baby is new to you, it's the same for all new families.
In the daily hustle and bustle of breast/chest feeding, changing nappies and meal times, your household simply gets a raw deal. This is completely normal.
Family & Parenting
April 01, 2023
Certainly not us! Have some egg-cellent fun and take part in the Ergobaby Easter egg hunt this year. We have prizes that last a little longer than chocolate!
So what are these most egg-cellent prizes to be won?
Filled with everything you need for that little bunny in your life, your hamper will include an: 1 x Embrace Carrier, 1 x Evolve 3-in-1 Bouncer, 1 x Metro+ Deluxe Stroller, 1 x Omni Dream Carrier, 1 x Natural Curve Nursing Pillow AND 1 x Swaddler! And yes the winner can choose your colour/style preferences depending on stock availability.
So, how do you take part?
Whether you're scrolling whilst little one naps or whilst you're feeding, winding down for the day or on your break - head to our website and have some fun searching for our hidden eggs! Discover our assortment of products and find out how many newborn essentials we offer in almost any colour and design and make chance of winning our egg-cellent prize by finding 5 hidden easter eggs.
These are the FIVE eggs you're looking
Family & Parenting
Expert Tips for Parents
January 27, 2023
Earlier this month we launched our hotly anticipated Evolve 3-in-1 High Chair.
Did you know that with an easy add-on, it can turn into a sturdy and sleek Kitchen Helper?
What is a Kitchen Helper or Learning Tower?
A kitchen helper or learning tower (they’re the same thing!) is a piece of furniture that your little one can stand on to bring them up to the height of your kitchen counter or table. It allows your toddler to get involved with cooking, baking, crafts and more; safely and comfortably.
From baby’s first foods to big kid sous chef, the Evolve 3-in-1 High Chair simplifies your life so you can enjoy the magic in the everyday moments.
Does a Kitchen Helper suit your family?
We aren’t exaggerating when we say a kitchen helper can be a game changer when it comes to hanging out and having fun with your little one. Once upon a time you bonded skin to skin and through tummy time. Now your little one is growing up, and creating memories and connecting with them is about to become even more