Why Choose Babywearing?
Chances are if you're here on the Ergobaby blog you're already considering babywearing! But if you're not yet sure exactly why babywearing is so great, you've come to the right place!
In a nutshell, babywearing allows parents and caregivers to keep babies safe, comfortable and happily in close contact while providing them with numerous physical and emotional benefits for their development too!
Babies are carried for nine months when parents are pregnant but when baby is born, it's a whole new world for them. Luckily, wearing baby in a wrap or baby carrier reinstates that closeness again, while also providing numerous benefits to development, both physically and emotionally. The first few months after birth is called the ‘fourth trimester’ - and for good reason, as little ones need parents more than ever as they make the transition into the world.
Babywearing allows parents to build a stronger bond between child and parent. The closeness stimulates a beneficial hormone production (Oxytocin), which results in a more intimate parental bond. Babywearing also adds a whole new level of convenience – parents simply need place their little one in the carrier and go! This means parents can boost bonding anywhere, at anytime.
The Key Benefits of Babywearing:
- Strengthens the bond between parent and baby, as you maintain a closeness throughout your day, especially during the ‘4th trimester’.
- Aids in baby's development, both physically and emotionally – a carried baby is generally calmer thanks to all of her primal/survival needs being met.
- Decreases risk of SIDS and flat-head syndrome, while promoting neural development, respiratory and gastrointestinal health, and aiding in balance.
- Allows breast/chestfeeding to be done on the go, and discreetly too, if you want to be covered up. As an added bonus, breastmilk production is also boosted with close contact with baby.
- Allows parents or caregivers to be ‘hands-free’ while baby is in the carrier and promotes exploring, discovering and navigating safely and easily, without having to maneuver a stroller. Parents are able to carry on exploring life’s adventures – big and small.
- Promotes early language development. Babies learn by watching faces and babywearing puts little one at conversational height.
- Allows parents to see more of the world through baby's eyes. And babies get to discover their new world from the safety and comfort of their parents’ body.
- Fosters a closeness through toddlerhood. Toddlers can be worn too, reminding them of their ‘home base’, and allowing that bond to continue as they grow.
- Babywearing takes babies back to their safe place and reminds them that we are ‘home’.
And if all that weren't enough, the simple beauty of baby's little body pressed up against yours, safe and snug inside their baby carrier with the beat of their heart right alongside yours is something truly special. Why not head over to our Instagram or Facebook channels for more babywearing inspiration? And if you'd like to know which baby carrier might be the best fit for your family then CLICK HERE.