European Babywearing Week
Your Babywearing Stories
It's European Babywearing Week and we wanted to celebrate by collecting together a series of babywearing stories from our lovely community. They've made us laugh and they've made us cry and they've made us do a lot of nodding our heads saying "us too!".
There are a million moments that make up this journey of parenthood and the moments spent babywearing are some of the most precious to us. So here are just some of the incredible stories that have been shared with us this week, we're honoured to be able to share them with you! If you haven't shared yet but would like to then head over to this Instagram post and share your story in the comments - at the end of European Babywearing Week we'll be picking one follower at random and sending them a baby carrier of their choice!
Please be aware that one of our stories we're sharing here includes mention of baby loss, it's the first story in our piece so if you'd like to skip past that one for any reason then please do that, and we're sending you extra love.
Our little Louie was born at 31 weeks and we spent a long 72 days in NICU. On bringing him home I always wanted him as close as possible. I was always scared of him not breathing or something bad happening. But having him in the carrier on my chest in the same place meant we had so many kangaroo cuddles in NICU, made me feel at ease. I could feel him breathing and we were both in our happy places. We could enjoy walks outside and get the fresh air we both desperately needed. In the pram I would constantly be stopping to check he was ok, in the carrier we both felt safe and he was relaxed and most often asleep. Louie sadly fell ill and passed away at 7 months old in July 2020. I will treasure these photos and the happiness we felt in those moments forever. He has sent us a baby brother to grow and I can’t wait to experience this closeness again with his little sibling. I just hope that he enjoys the carrier as much as his big brother did

The first time I ever put Griffin in his baby carrier the first thing I felt was honestly pure relief. My back was hurting badly as I already had a bad back before pregnancy which was now even worse and my little one has always been on the heavier side of the graphs so my arms were aching too. I was also in shock as I actually had 2 hands free for longer than 2 minutes for the first time in months!
But once the instant relief and shock subsided all I remember feeling is love. I was able to do all the normal things I used to do so easily like wash up, hoover and make dinner yet it was different now. Now it was even better because I could do all of those things with my beautiful son staring up at me. Being able to do that truly made even the hard days brighter.
Griffin loves being front-facing in his carrier now that he’s old enough and being at conversation-height makes him smile so much and he often tries to join in, even if it is just babbling and blowing bubbles
Baby wearing not only made daily life easier in the early stages but it’s allowed for a great bonding experience and we will continue to let Griffin explore the world in this way until he starts taking those first steps all by himself and would absolutely do it again if we have another baby ❤️
I would like to share our proud baby wearing moment. The first time hiking to the Blorenge Summit in Wales. Our son is 6 weeks old and I carried him in my birthday carrier.

I love babywearing! It's so special to me as my now fiance proposed to me while we were at Brimham rocks and I was wearing my 7mo facing out so she was part of it too (even if she won't remember )


