Page 4 - Babywearing
Baby Gear
November 24, 2022
"Baby carriers hurt my back", "Your baby will never learn to sleep on their own if they always sleep in a baby carrier". "Too much carrying is bad for baby".
You may have already heard these statements or similar prejudices about baby carriers. We would like to take the time to explain why it is possible to use a baby carrier without getting back pain and why you don't have to worry that your child will be clingy the rest of their lives.
Reality check on the most common myths:
"There is no such thing as a baby carrier without back pain"
If your baby carrier is causing you back pain, it's probably because it is not fitting properly.
An ergonomic baby carrier that fits your body and your child's age should not hurt your back. Ergobaby baby carriers have been awarded the seal of approval by the Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V. association for being back-friendly.
If you are experiencing back pain, you may need to make a few adjustments to your carrier to distribute your baby's weight more evenly.
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
November 23, 2022
You may think forward facing is unhealthy and a total sensory overload. Of course for such a controversial topic, we understand all perspectives.
Our thoughts always revolve around ergonomics and comfort, and this topic is no exception.
In 2014, we developed the Ergobaby 360, the first baby carrier for which parents could ergonomically carry their child facing forwards/outward facing. This carrying position, has a number of advantages that we will discover below. We will also tell you how you can tell when your baby is ready to be positioned forward facing in a baby carrier and what you should look out for.
Why carry your baby in a forward carry position?
Read the benefits for carrying your baby forward in a baby carrier.
Natural posture:
From 5 months, you can bet that you will sometimes carry your baby facing forwards in your arms. This is a natural position and part of normal intuitive baby handling. This is a replicate of what you do by using our ergonomic baby carriers, such as the
Baby Gear
November 14, 2022
Every body is beautiful in its uniqueness and very individual shape. And we don't just mean small and tall or petite and strong. No! You've probably already noticed the incredible variety that nature produces in us humans: male, female, transgender, non-binary, long or short torso, broad or narrow shoulders, much or little waist, large or small chest, narrow or broad pelvis - we could go on forever... That's why one of the most amazing things about our baby carriers is that they are suitable for almost every baby and every body type. That's because at Ergobaby, we make it a point to ensure that parents and babies of all shapes and sizes feel comfortable and safe when using our products.
Whether it’s the shoulder straps or waist belt: everything can be adjusted from XS to XXL
Unequal pairs are not that rare, and that's why parents with different statures often wonder whether the same baby carrier can fit them at all. The answer is quite clearly: Yes! Because the waist belt of the Ergobaby
Baby Gear
October 10, 2022
It's not easy to navigate your way through a huge range of baby carriers available, especially when so many carriers seem so similar at first glance.
The most frequently asked question about our bestsellers, the Omni and the Adapt carriers is "How do the two carriers differ and which one should I choose?"
Here we take a deeper look at these two carrier. We explain the similar points and differences to help you decide which baby carrier would best suit your needs.
The choice of our baby carriers is vast.
Ergobaby offers a wide range of ergonomic baby carriers. Our carriers are available in different materials, variety of designs, carry positions, and price points to meet your needs. However, this doesn't make your decision any easier.
Let’s start at the beginning of our Ergobaby baby carriers journey.
In 2002, we launched the Original Ergobaby baby carrier. For this carrier a newborn insert was needed to be placed in the carrier to make it suitable from birth.
Thanks to the constant development
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
October 05, 2022
Walks through the countryside, dog walks, play dates in the park or a visit to the zoo with the whole family. We spend a lot of time outdoors, and we want to keep doing the things we love throughout the year, through every season.
Ergobaby HQ have been hard at work in our product development department. We can share our two new babywearing must-haves for all outdoor parents. Our wind and rain covers and All-Weather baby carrier covers.
If you are wondering what a baby carrier cover is and the difference between wind and rain covers and winter covers, keep reading and we will share some helpful tips.
When you are baby wearing, your own body heat is the best way to regulate your baby's temperature. You provide cosy protection and appropriate cooling at the same time.
This is only one side of the coin... or rather baby carrier. Mother nature can be temperamental. Creating unexpected wind or rain showers which can be unfortunate when you are enjoying a lovely day out with the family.
Baby Gear
October 02, 2022
Babywearing and the miracle hormone oxytocin
During October, International Babywearing week is being celebrated around the world using the theme "Love transforms." This is part 2 of our International Babywearing blog series.
If you missed our first blog, ten reasons why parents love using a baby carrier, you can catch up here: International Babywearing Week 2022 (part 1): 10 reasons to love babywearing - Ergobaby
Today, we are going to delve into the topic of oxytocin, the love hormone.
Oxytocin: more than just a cuddle hormone
Skin to skin contact and physical closeness with your little one produces a neurohormone called oxytocin. Oxytocin is a bonding hormone and is very important for child development. It also promotes milk production and helps to make breast/chest feeding possible. Oxytocin is not only present between parent and child when they cuddle, sexual activity with your partner also produces oxytocin. During sex, our bodies are flooded with it. It increases pleasure and creates
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
September 30, 2022
This year’s International Babywearing Week has been themed "Love transforms” and will be celebrated during October. We would like to use this occasion to share the benefits of babywearing with our top ten reasons to love using a baby carrier.
Baby carrying has many positive effects on your child's development, your bond together and your own freedom and mobility in everyday life.
Here are our ten reasons why parents love using a baby carrier
1. Carrying is always possible
Strictly speaking, you could carry your baby around your body 24 hours in a day. From day one, babies love to be carried. When placed in the M-position in a baby carrier, this helps the development of your little one. Erogbaby carriers are ergonomically designed to be comfortable for a long time, benefiting your baby and wearer too. You can therefore carry your child against your body all day, whenever you want and your baby will let you know when they have had enough.
2. Promotes bonding in the fourth trimester
A fourth
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
July 20, 2022
The warm season is finally here. But with the sometimes sweaty temperatures, many parents ask themselves: Can I also carry my baby in a carrier in summer? And of cou,rse we have a few good reasons why you can. For one, you can easily go anywhere with the carrier and reach any lake or mountain, or take a stroll in the sand. On the other hand, pushchairs and prams can quickly become a risk factor in summer when it comes to dangerous heat build-up. It is often parked in the sun because the hood provides shade and usually also has UV protection. Then many parents put a cloth over the front of the hood to protect their little one from the sun and suddenly it gets boiling hot inside the pushchair. And the problem is: no one notices because the child is hidden behind the cloth and the hood. Overheating happens more quickly than when you're carrying, because you can feel the baby close to your body and have a better view of how your baby is doing. However, there are of course a few things to keep
Baby Gear
July 11, 2022
Just because we like our products doesn't mean others will. As one of the world's leading companies in the field of ergonomic baby carriers, we are always striving to make our products even better, so we are always dependent on feedback from the field. That is why it is important to us that both parents and medical experts test our products for suitability for everyday use, ergonomics, handling and comfort. No sooner said than done! With the introduction of the revised Adapt baby carrier last September, we were able to have 64 midwives and babywearing advisors from Germany and Austria for an extensive product test. Our carriers are extensively tested and assessed in everyday life with many different families in practice as well as many different experts and health professionals. After the test phase, there was of course an extensive survey for the midwives to fill out.
This is what our testers said
Are you excited about the results? Rightly so, and so were we. That's why we don't want
Baby Gear
July 07, 2022
Summer is here and the sun is shining. Who wouldn't want to go exploring and discover the world together with their child? Whether it's the beach, the woods, the sea, the mountains or the lakes, it doesn't really matter. Because with the lightweight, breathable baby carriers from Ergobaby, you are prepared for every adventure.
Always fresh - with mesh
Ergobaby offers (almost) every baby carrier model in two materials. On the one hand, there is always an airy and very breathable version with mesh material and on the other, a cosy version made of cotton or jersey. It is clear that baby carriers made of mesh allow even more air to circulate, provide you and your baby with fresh air from outside and dry faster. As summer is just around the corner, we would like to take you into the light and airy world of our mesh fabrics. As we head into the warmer season, they are ideal companions for everyday life with baby, on trips out and about or for anyone who likes to be active a lot. Perhaps you've