Page 4 - Baby Gear
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
May 05, 2023
It's finally feeling hot, hurrah! With the rising temperatures it can leave parents feeling worried about babywearing during the summer months. We often receive lots of questions about wearing a baby carrier in the summer. These include: How do I protect my child from the sun? Won't it get too warm? Which baby carrier for the summer? Should I use a carrier at all in the summer or should I rather use a stroller with a sunshade? The questions are endless…
Babies can’t completely regulate their own temperature at first. So, when you as parents sweat, you are like the air conditioner for your child but completely natural air conditioning! Parents can cool and warm their babies through their skin – depending on whether they are too cold or too hot. So, take advantage of this wonderful feature that has been given to you.
However, we do recommend if the weather is too hot, it is better to stay at home or in the shade as much as possible or to use a stroller such as the Ergobaby Metro+ stroller
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
April 19, 2023
Have you noticed that all animal babies on this earth are carried by their parents? It's no wonder; the basic need for physical contact, warmth, protection and movement is the same for all little inhabitants of the earth.
This also applies to human children. Babies anatomy is designed in such a way that they adapt optimally to the hip of their parents when they are lifted up. The spread squat position of their legs enables physiological, healthy carrying, keeping your child's back in a natural position when supported in the correct, age appropriate carrier.
Carrying is the best way to transport your baby, from birth to toddlerhood. Provided you use a baby carrier that can be adapted to the growing needs of your newborn during every developmental stage.
Newborn baby carrier: What makes a good baby carrier last so long?
Our award-wining baby carriers are designed to carry your child from birth up to a toddlers body weight of 20.4 kg.
"Whaaaat?" Yes - a child can be carried in the same Ergobaby
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
April 12, 2023
You might ask does the type of carrier fabric matter? Well yes it does. You've probably already noticed that when browsing our baby carrier range, there are different styles/designs, colours, positions and age restrictions. But there is one point in particular that divides many opinions: the question of material. Our babywearing advisors are often asked whether a breathable baby carrier or a soft baby carrier made of cotton is better? Quite honestly it is difficult for us to answer this question. Both materials have their objective advantages and in the end it is the preferences, tastes, attitudes and lifestyle of parents that decide. That's why it's so important to find the right carrier for you and your family. In this blog we will give you a little help in deciding!
Cotton baby carrier or mesh baby carrier? Let’s review a little experiment
As already mentioned, in addition to personal taste, lifestyle is a decisive factor in choosing the right baby carrier for your individual
Baby Gear
March 20, 2023
Have you heard about our new Metro+ edition already? The Metro+ Deluxe? At first glance, you might think that the new version of our Metro+ stroller is just a different colour combination or a slightly adapted design. But: surprise, surprise - there is much more than that behind it! Of course, both compact strollers are certified by the Aktion Gesunder Rücken e.V. (Campaign for Healthier Backs) and are therefore back-friendly and comfortable for both pushers and children and are newborn ready! But here we want to show you the differences between the two premium strollers.
Which stroller is the right one to choose? The most important differences at a glance
#1 most padded seat*, big comfort in a small package to easily fit in most airplane overhead bins and an adjustable handlebar and leg rest provide some of the advantages of both our strollers. You can see it's immediately clear that you're on the right track when choosing either the Metro+ or Metro+ Deluxe stroller. To make things
Baby Gear
March 16, 2023
Pssst... have you heard the latest news? Our Metro+ compact stroller is no longer travelling solo... It's now roaming the streets with a new companion: the Deluxe edition. And what a companion it is... the elevated style and exquisite taste in colour combined with comfort in a compact package makes it so desirable we want to go for a ride in it too!
You can tell - we're totally in love! The new, luxurious Deluxe Edition of our Metro+ compact stroller offers you all the great advantages that the Metro+ already offers and adds luxurious details. You and your little one can look your best and feel your best, wherever you go.
But we want to tell you what extras the new stroller comes with, so you can find out which premium Metro+ stroller suits you and your family best.
Metro+ or Metro+ Deluxe Stroller - which stroller is the best?
First of all: both premium pushchairs offer maximum comfort, are important everyday helpers, practical when travelling and are made of high-quality materials. Metro+
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
March 02, 2023
As a child, do you remember your aunts and grandmothers lovingly pinching your cheeks and saying "wow, you are gowning up so fast." every time you saw them? At the time you may have thought it was funny or sometimes rather annoying. Have you considered the number of times others have said the same to your child?
We may catch ourselves thinking the same thing or even hear the words coming out of our mouths when we haven't seen our friends' children for a while.
During the first years of life, humans develop faster than at any other time of their lives. In the first four years, half of our entire evolution takes place.
Every childs' development is individual
Child development is parallel and grows in the same order. However, every child is unique when it comes to what age they go through each developmental milestone. Every child develops at their own pace. For example motor development. One child can walk at 12 months, whilst another at one and a half years old. The same applies to the first
Baby Gear
February 09, 2023
Have you heard of our Ergobaby Aerloom Baby Carrier before? If not, it's definitely time you did. Because with this premium baby carrier, our product developers and designers have literally outdone themselves. As the first baby carrier of it’s kind like this on the market, the feather-light Aerloom uses special manufacturing techniques that weave it in one piece while making it breathable, allowing it to individually mould to each body of wearer and carrier.
What parents want: A super lightweight, space-saving, custom fit baby carrier
In all the years since Ergobaby was founded, we've heard from parents time and again that they want a lightweight and breathable baby carrier. One that folds up small and can be stored compactly, in a space saving way. One that is also comfortable, but is still easy to use. What can we say? "Challenge accepted", so our product developers went in search of innovative techniques and materials in other industries to design a baby carrier that could fit to your
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
January 13, 2023
Here at Ergobaby we know exactly what it’s like when you’re just finding your parenting groove, you’ve figured out which products do and don’t work for your family and suddenly the topic of weaning / offering your baby complementary foods starts to crop up and there’s a whole new world of “stuff” you need to consider.
How do you know which is the best high chair on the market?
Or, more importantly, how do you know which is the best high chair for you and your family’s needs? Don’t worry, we’ve got you! We’re sharing our top five things to look out for when choosing the right high chair for you and your little one/s.
Does the high chair grow with baby?
If this is your first foray into the world of high chairs then the first thing you might be wondering is “when can babies sit in a high chair”? Most babies can sit unaided / start to be ready for solid food around 6 months old so you’ll want a high chair that will keep them safe and secure from this age and will last you for years to come.
Baby Gear
January 03, 2023
Breast/chest feeding is known to be the best way to give your baby everything they need for healthy development and to build a strong immune system.
At the same time, it strengthens your parent-child bond and is a unique moment that only you can experience together. Magical!
What are the benefits of a Nursing Pillow?
A nursing pillow can help you to ensure that breast/chest feeding works optimally, especially at the beginning of your breast/chest feeding relationship. It supports you in positioning your baby optimally on the breast/chest, making it as comfortable as possible for both of you.
During the first few weeks of your child's life, your daily routine may look something like this:
You will sit and breast/chest feed... change nappies..., breast/chest feed... go for a walk, breast/chest feed, change nappies... and repeat this every day. In total, you breast/chest feed for about 8 hours a day.
Your nursing pillow should therefore be ergonomic, comfortable and supportive on your back.
Baby Gear
Expert Tips for Parents
January 03, 2023
The new year has begun and naturally you may be thinking about what you want to achieve this year in terms of resolutions. Many of us have two main goals on our list: exercise, and healthy food choices.
Being physically active can support you in reducing the natural weight gained during pregnancy, develop brain health, reduce risk of disease, improve bone, and muscle quality and enhance your ability to do everyday activities. This is important as your little one begins to grow, becoming heavier and stronger, you will need the strength and energy to keep up with them.
Finding time to exercise can be challenging especially at the start of your parenting journey. When you are feeling tired, being active may seem like the last thing you want to do. Regular activity can relax you, keep you fit and help you feel more energetic. It can also help your body recover after childbirth and may help prevent postnatal depression.
Image credit: @savannahspencerfitpregnancy