Can I wear my baby facing forward or on my back?

Published in Aura Baby Wrap
We advise against the use of the Aura Baby Wrap in a forward-facing position. Due to the excessive pressure it can exert on both the baby's spine and joints, as well as the wearer's back. Instead, we recommend trying our soft structured carriers, which are specifically designed to provide ergonomic support for outward-facing, when your baby is ready to face the world (usually around 5 months), such as for example our Omni carriers or Aerloom range. We strongly advise against back carrying with the Aura Baby Wrap as it leads to a greater chance of accidental injury to the baby given the complexity of the back carry position with the use of a 'stretchy' wrap. Most of our other carriers allow for back carrying – when baby has reached the appropriate developmental age/stage. We recommend that you take our carrier quiz to find the right carrier for you and your little one.