I'd like to start by saying what a great product, there's nothing similar in the market right now. There are some really great features of this sleeping bag that make it better than any other sleeping bags currently on the market. We love the removable swaddle insert, as our son is 6 months old we used the arms out swaddle around his middle over the top of the sleeping, I wish we had tried it earlier as this would be perfect for a newborn, to swaddle both arms within the sleeping bag to make baby feel secure and safe. Saying that Joey did fall asleep a lot faster with the swaddle insert fitted around body and did sleep for a longer length of time.
We loved the adjustable straps of the sleeping bag as its so much easier to get on and off by just un-popping the adjustable strap rather than pulling baby's arms in and out of armholes on a regular sleeping bag, so much more practical than other sleeping bags especially if you don't want to wake baby. I loved the two way zipper I think this is a very clever feature of getting baby's legs out with ease and also the back harness opening to change baby. This way you can get baby out of the sleeping bag without disturbing them too much. All other sleeping bags you have to get baby completely out of the bag to change them and getting baby's arms out of the armholes is very fiddly. But this ergo baby sleeping bag is very practical and very easy to use making mum's life a little easier while baby gets a comfortable undisturbed nights sleep. I would highly recommend to other mums on using from birth and you can use the different swaddle positions to transition as baby grows and adapts to baby's needs.
Overall very impressed with sleeping bag. I think it's a great product.
Mum of Joey, Angharad