Amanda Peters, Maternity Practitioner believes all babies should feed elevated with their head higher than their tummy, regardless of colic, reflux or any other feeding issues. Tummy to tummy positioning ensures good bonding and helps with a better latch. Babies do get heavy whilst feeding and your arms get tired, so whether breast or bottle suits, let a feeding pillow take the strain!
Maternity at Home have done the work for you – coming in at number one is the Ergobaby Natural Curve Nursing Pillow! Read their review on Choosing the Best Nursing Pillow 2016 here. http://maternityathome.com/best-nursing-pillow.
Coming in at number one, we have the Ergobaby natural curve nursing pillow. This pillow has garnered the number 1 spot and is clearly the top nursing pillow of 2016.
When you look at the Ergobaby you can tell straight away that they have listened to what mothers really want in a nursing pillow, and you would struggle to pick any faults with their design.
It features a simple but masterful angled design that lets your baby rest against your stomach as well as the comfortable, soft pillow, which creates a much more personal feeding experience. This design also fully supports your baby’s neck and head area, which is an often neglected feature in nursing pillows and one that mother’s get aggravated over.
Overall this ergonomic and luxurious nursing pillow is by far the best on the market and it really does make all of the others on this list look inferior. The contoured design makes this an incredibly comfortable pillow for both you and your baby and the soft cover will help your baby relax.
After using the Ergobaby, you will never go back to any other pillow.